Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Road Doesn't Seem So Straight

I stagger and waver along this path, not knowing where it leads. Roads cloaked in darkness, too dark to know where I am headed. Travelling, hoping to find that glimpse of light that fuels my reason to move on. It was never this hard when I was young, no worries, no tears, I was who I was. I had my mother embrace me in all her love, there was no need to reside in the love of anyone else. My laughter had no sorrow to hide. Now I am no longer a kid with sheer innocence, I know from right and wrong- the truth and lies. Growing up I have figured out who I am, the challenges and trials that took an inevitable toll in my downfall have also molded me to become this person that you see before you. Trust me when I say it was a difficult task. In my sorrow I cried to God, to take away my breath of life and let me rest beneath the earth. The cry of a wasted wreck, moaning words that define a fruitless life. I had gracious help from my best friend that pulled me out from that wretched pit of anguish. It was as if God himself sent me Sue to be my guardian angel.

Being different is not a choice that I made, I was not given a chance to choose. Accepting myself was the hardest thing possible when I was the odd man out. People can’t open their eyes to the fact that there is more to a person than that small part that stands out as a “flaw”, holding on to it and breaking them apart. I love God and the creator has created us all in our very own special way, each part of our body, character and even the smallest detail in our human existence was well carved to his liking and he sees it as perfection. Why judge another that is a wonderful creation just like you when God himself had perfected them with his own two hands? The differences are the essence that God has personally incorporated to make you special. I am special and so are you. We may be different in various ways but isn’t that what makes each one of us wonderful in our very own way?

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